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The Anglican Church of

St. Thomas, Kefalas.

We are the only Anglican church on Crete. However, all Christian denominations are welcome at our services. We are situated within the Apokoronas area of Crete, east of Chania, in the picturesque rural village of Kefalas.


We hope that this website will guide you around the Parish - our worship, events and organisations and contact points for any further information.

"Visions and miracles among us!"

Poor Isaiah. He was an ordinary priest, a member of the tribe of Levi. One day he had the simple job of offering the sacrifice of incense. This involved taking a handful of incense and some burning coals from the altar outside the Jerusalem Temple, putting the coals on a gold-plated table in the Temple itself and then putting the incense on it. Then, as the incense burned, he probably said a prayer, and after a moment, would leave the inside room of the Temple.

The idea was that the incense would be a pleasing smell to YHWH, the God of the Israelites. It was a simple task, and didn't involve anything messy, like sacrificing animals or scattering blood here and there, as other commandments of the Torah required.

Only this time, things were not so simple. Isaiah saw YHWH the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in all divine majesty, seated above the ark of the covenant, and surrounded by a host of rather scary seraphim. He immediately felt himself to be an unclean man from an unclean people; his unworthiness before the inconceivable grandeur of God overwhelmed him.


However, his lips are cleansed by a seraph holding a burning ember in a pair of tongs, and he finds himself volunteering to speak on behalf of God to the people and to kings, to warn and to admonish. Isaiah went in a simple priest, but came out a changed man.

Have you ever had a similar experience? The disciples were changed in a similar way by exposure to Jesus. Simple fishermen experienced a miracle in fishing, and then left their nets to go fishing for human beings with Jesus. Paul had an experience of the resurrected Christ, and went from being a persecutor of Jesus's disciples to being called to proclaim the good news to the Gentiles. Where have you seen the miracles in your life? When have you been called?

We will consider these things tomorrow, Sunday, the 9th of February. Below are the readings for the liturgy.. You can get the full text by clicking on the links, and if you click on "The Psalm and the Hymns" you can download a PDF of the lyrics and psalm texts for that day.

9 February

Fourth Sunday before Lent

The Hymns and the Psalm
Isaiah 6:1-end
Psalm 138
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11

Please join us at 11:00 am EET, either in-person or via Zoom. To get into the Zoom room click here, or, if you prefer, you can type or copy into your browser, or, sign in to your Zoom account and use the Meeting ID: 912 6938 3194; there is no passcode, just a waiting room as a security feature.

As always, I pray that you and your loved ones have a blessèd week 





Pray for the Church of England

I think it is fair to say that, at least at the higher levels of governance, the Church of England is in crisis.


The Archbishop of Canterbury resigned earlier this year because of his failure to decisively act in 2013 on disclosures of abuse by his mentor and friend John Smyth. This follows on the ham-fisted failure by the Archbishops Council to set up an Independent Safeguarding Board. The Archbishop of York is under a cloud because of the fact that, when Bishop of Chelmsford, he licensed a priest who had been tried and convicted for sexual abuse (the conviction was later overturned, but the individual was subsequently convicted of new charges that occurred after he was re-licensed).


There are new allegations of sexual abuse by a now deceased leader of Evangelicalism, the Rev'd Dr David Fletcher of St Ebbe's, Oxford. The Bishop of Liverpool recently resigned because of allegations of misconduct. The General Synod is considering how best remedy the situation, but there are conflicting view about how to deal with it.

As most of you know, I had significant experience around Safeguarding issues back in Canada when I was an archdeacon in the Diocese of British Columbia. On behalf of the Bishop I helped commission investigations into formal complaints against clergy and laity, and processes of discipline when the facts required them.


Now that I am in the Diocese in Europe and the Church of England I am a Safeguarding Trainer, the Chair of the Diocese in Europe's Anti-Bullying Policy Revision Working Group, and a member of General Synod for our Diocese.


 Please pray for me, Bishop Robert, and all of the members of General Synod as we gather in Westminster for five days of meetings to consider a very full agenda, much of which is dealing with the future of Safeguarding.


I fly to London on Monday morning and get back on Saturday morning. I will be working and checking my emails if you need to get in touch with me I should be able to respond.



Other Announcements

Online Small Group Bible Study


The Online Small Group Bible Study meets this Wednesday, 11 February 2025 at 7:30 PM, for 90 minutes of fellowship, study, and prayer.


We gather online at (Zoom Meeting ID: 953 9845 4424). All are welcome!




Charities Distribution

Each year we distribute 5-10% of our general income to three charities. In the Spring we choose the three charities to support, and at the end of the year the treasurer calculates what the distribution should be. It is then given out early in the new year. The three charities have been determined in some years at the Annual Meeting, and at other times by the Chaplaincy Council.

Below is a list of some of the charities we have considered in the past.

  • AGIA SOFIA & BONTHEIA STO SPITI  - Help in the home for elderly and disabled people

  • ELEPAP  - The Hellenic Society for Disabled Children

  • GREEK ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION DAY CARE CENTRE , CHANIA – only centre in Crete ( and Greece)

  • HORIZON (ORIZONTAS) – Help for children and young people with Cancer but will consider people of all ages

  • KIFAAMEA  Day Care Centre for Children from 3yrs and Adults up to 34yrs with Special Needs

  • SPLANTZIAS FOOD KITCHEN – Volunteers provide daily cooked meals for up to 500+ people of all races and creeds. Based in Chania

  • TOUCHING THE TONGA – A medical and missionary centre providing care for the Tonga tribe in Zimbabwe

  • VAMOS HEALTH CENTRE - Provides 24hour medical cover.

For your information, we supported these charities in the past few years:
2021  -  Touching the Tonga, Splantzias, Anamnisi
2022  -  Greek Alzheimer’s Society, Kifaamea and Touching the Tonga.
2023  -  ELEPAP, Splantzias, Touching the Tonga

2024  -  ELEPAP, Splantzias, Touching the Tonga

We have also supported the Hellenic Red Cross for disaster relief in the fires in Evia and the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We are not restricted to just the organisations listed above, and you may well know of some not listed that are worthy candidates. Please contact Bruce at to let him know if you know of any others.





04 March: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party

Pancakes with Lemon/Orange & Maple Syrup

Mega Book Clearance

Outside Sellers


 05 April:  Spring Coffee Morning with an Easter theme

Quality Secondhand Goods, Cake Stall, Books,        Plant Sale, Tombola, Plus More!

Outside Sellers


We would welcome gifts for the Tombola and offers of assistance with making cakes, serving refreshments and general assistance with setting up and clearing away on the day

Mary & David


Annual Meeting of Parishioners

The annual meeting of the Chaplaincy of the Anglican Church of St Thomas, Kefalas, Crete, will be held after divine worship on Sunday April 6, 2025.


In preparation for this, every six years we need to compile a new Electoral Roll - people who are legible to vote at the meeting. Below is the formal announcement about the requirements for this - please contact Jan Lovell to obtain a form. Thank you Jan!


Journey’s end talks

Offering a safe space for open conversations about the end of

Join us for coffee, cake, and the opportunity to think and talk about life and its ending.
Facilitated small group discussions where we can wonder together about:

• What and who matters most to me in my life?
• Does grief have to look a particular way?
• Why is it so hard to talk about death?
• How would I like to be remembered?
• What will happen when I die?
• What do I need to do to prepare for the end of my life?
• How will my loved ones cope when I die?

Please join us! You can attend any or all of the sessions.
No fee to participate but donations gratefully accepted.

For more information and directions
please contact:




Notice is given that under the Church Representation Rules a new Chaplaincy Electoral Roll* is being prepared. Every person who wishes to have his or her name entered on the new Roll, whether it is entered on the present Roll or not, is requested to apply for enrolment not later than:15 March 2025. The new Roll will take effect on 22 March 2025                                                                                 

The new Roll will be published by the Chaplaincy Council on the Church Notice Board for at least 14 days and a copy of the Roll will be available for inspection on a reasonable request being made to the Council.
Applications to be on the new roll are made on the form available from Janet Lovell, ELECTORAL ROLL OFFICER/CHAPLAINCY COUNCIL SECRETARY. The form can also be found on the diocesan website here or search the site for ‘Forms’.
Under the Church Representation Rules, a lay person is entitled to have his or her name entered on the roll, if the person
(a) is baptised,
(b) is aged 16 or over, and
(c) has made one of the following three declarations and duly applied for enrolment.

Applicants are required to declare that one of the statements A or B below applies
A            I am baptised, am a lay person and am aged 16 or over.
B            I am a lay person, and become 16* on   
*Those who become 16 in the next twelve months may complete the form and become eligible to be entered on the roll on their sixteenth birthday.
Where local laws stipulate a higher age requirement for membership of a religious organisation, that higher age shall apply.
2:   Applicants are required to declare that one of the options 2A, 2B and 2C applies to them:
2A  I am a member of the Church of England (or of a Church in communion with the Church of England) and have my name entered on the electoral roll of a parish or chaplaincy in the Provinces of Canterbury or York.

2B  I am a member of the Church of England or of a Church in communion with the Church of England, [but have habitually attended public worship in the chaplaincy during the preceding six months] [and would have habitually attended public worship in the chaplaincy during the preceding six months but was prevented from doing so because

2C  I am a member in good standing of a Church which is not in communion with  the Church of England but subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, am also a member of the Church of England [and have habitually attended public worship in the chaplaincy during the preceding six months] [and would have habitually attended public worship in the chaplaincy during the preceding six months but  was prevented from doing so because             _____________________________________.
*If you tick 2B or 2C in circumstances where a new Roll is being prepared (as it is in 2025), you must delete either the first set of words in square brackets or the second set. If you delete the first set, you must complete the second set by filling in the space at the end. see Note 3 for further information
Any error discovered in the roll should at once be reported to the Church Electoral Roll Officer.
Dated this 25th day of  January 2025 .
Signed: Jan Lovell, Chaplaincy Electoral Roll Officer
Address: St Thomas Anglican Church, Box 421, Gavalohori,  Apokoronas, 73008 Chania, Crete                        
Email address (optional):

* The new roll must be completed at least 15 days, but no more than 28 days, before the Annual Chaplaincy Council
In this Notice, Chaplaincy is the equivalent to an ecclesiastical parish in England.
Form 3   Updated January 2025




the Anglican Church of St Thomas, Kefalas, Crete

If you see something that you think may be a safeguarding issue, you should speak to the
Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer here on Crete or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team:

Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer:
Jan Lovell +30 69791 64716


Diocesan Safeguarding Team:

 For urgent enquiries during operational hours (9 am to 5 pm UK time, Monday to
Friday), please call: +44 (0)207 898 1159
For non-urgent enquiries contact: +44 (0) 7464 544715
For urgent enquiries outside operational hours call our
partners  Thirtyone:eight  on +44 (0) 303 003 1111. 

St. Thomas is one of many churches in the rapidly growing Diocese in Europe which, in itself, is part of The Church of England. You can visit the Diocese website at

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